Friday, April 13, 2012

Hanging Homemade Bed for Nissan NV 2500 HD works!

Hanging bed at sleeping level.

Hanging bed in up level. It leaves lots of space.

I completed my NV2500 (Nissan NV 2500 high roof) hanging bed. It uses 340lb plastic coated wire that hangs the bed from the ceiling ribs. It's very comfortable and secure (so far). The length of the bed platform is 69.5 inches and the width is 60 inches. I'm 6 foot tall and I fit perfectly. We are using old camping cot pads for the bed. They are fine to sleep on. We plan to get an electric blanket for cold weather camping (with an electric hookup of course).

We use a kitchen type ladder to get up into the hanging bed.

I do want to look into switching to metal tubing as a replace for the wood beams for the bed as it will create more head space and might be lighter ... but now that I know the dimensions it should be easier to build a bed platform using metal tubing. Next, I am looking at building a long wall cabinet for storing all our stuff, especially the overly long items such as a large padio umbrella for sun shade that is fun to take along on longer camping trips.

You can click the each photo below to bring up a detailed view of the bed design, build and test.

We are selling the cots that we used originally until I built the hanging bed. We purchased the two connecting cots from Cabella's for $292. We will sell them for $140. You pay any shipping.[The Cots are sold.]

Copyright (C) 2011 Greg Kendall. All Rights Reserved.


  1. how do you prevent it from swaying when you drive??

  2. I had a block that I jamed up next to it that locked it in place, but that got loose once in a while and caused it to crash around. I have since built a bed into the van as I got tired of lifting and lowering the hanging bed. It worked for a while but now I have built something way better! You can see what I did on my facebook page:


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